A Child's Kiss

I sat amongst the people, a sheep within the herd,
Waiting for the preacher to deliver up the Word.
But first he called the children and prayed with them as one,
And they scurried off to Sunday School, the moment he was done.

And then we saw a picture I know I'll not forget,
As the preacher's little daughter threw her arms around his neck.
She kissed him many, many times. Adoringly she clung.
I realized in that moment that the message had begun.

God didn't need our schedule, an agenda or a list.
He showed us each a million things within a child's kiss.
The preacher wasn't hurried. His demeanor wasn't rushed.
He loved his little child and the congregation hushed.

His tender little daughter had forgotten we were there,
Adoration for her father was her one and only care.
It was just a fleeting moment but it hung there just the same,
She looked so very tiny hanging on this grown man's frame.

No sermon could have said it, no song could capture this.
I learned about my Father's love in a little child's kiss.
God wants me to come running. He wants to pull me in.
The love He gives outweighs the thoughts of work, time, and sin.

I so adore my Father. We're not meant to be apart.
He shines His light all over my transparent needy heart.
No matter that I'm feeble. No matter what they say.
I feel the warmth of all His love when I bow my head to pray.

I'm just a little child. My Father's love is huge.
He saves me each and every day, and offers me refuge.
He loves me in my weakness. He loves me in my strife.
I cling to Him for comfort, and I cling to Him for life.

[ Karla Mercaldo -- from Bill Champion (The Tidbits Devotional) ]


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