Foxglove flowers.

You Keep Coming Back

It's a ritual of mine twice a year, spring and late fall.

Early in spring I take time to welcome the flowers and other perennials in our yard. Yes, I actually go around the yard, touch the plants and say "Hello! Welcome back!"

In late fall I thank them all, especially the annuals for making my life beautiful.

Silly old man? Yes, but I am silly in so many other ways, too, that it borders on mental issues to those folks who take most things in life for granted and perhaps a little too serious.

Yesterday I had a special moment.

I found a plant near our garden that I didn't remember being there before. Our theory is that squirrels and birds carry these seeds with them and either drop them or in the case of the squirrels, plant them there for when they get the munchies another day.

This flower is "Foxglove."

We have found them in some odd places through the years. In the past I actually attempted to transplant a few that I found in a field next to our house. A few lasted but never returned.

Having seen it begin to sprout in early spring, I was actually expecting a different plant in that very same spot. A perennial we planted last year.

Then I found more Foxglove in unexpected places.

I've been struggling with things of life. Of course I always do. Some exciting observations and other grand disappointments fill my days. I've been looking for answers and as usual not finding them fast enough to satisfy me.

Like talking to God. I learned a long time ago that God and I don't have conversations. I mean He talks to me, but through others, ordinary and extremely un-ordinary events and in tiny details most never see. I marvel at the idea that some people say they "hear" His voice and converse with Him like having a conversation with a neighbor over the back yard fence.

That doesn't happen to me. I do hear a voice of sorts, but it's a silent nudging, a confirmation or a wake up call to get my attention.

Mostly I get my answers in natural ways.

Like the Foxglove.

I had already done my "welcome" to our flowers this past weekend because we had in essence finished planting, weeding, mulching and feeding them all.

When I discovered the Foxglove, I simply said,"You keep coming back!" It wasn't much of a welcome. I think if someone said that to me I'd be insulted.

The idea that my garden offers surprises every year is what keeps me gardening.

Later in the day I found an answer to one of my challenges. I "heard" it clearly when I sat down to do some recording for my friend, Nathaniel Bronner's "Power Minutes." I was reminded of the story of the gardener. It's an old story about a man who bought a house with an overgrown garden. The weeds had long since taken over the garden and it was a mess. But slowly the man began to clear the weeds, till the soil and plant the seeds. Finally, he had made it into a showcase garden. One day the minister came to visit, and when he saw the beautiful flowers and plants, he observed, "Well, friend, you and God have done a marvelous job on this garden." To which the homeowner replied, "You should have seen it when God had it by himself."

There it was. My life needs the touch of the Master Gardener. Together we can create a "showcase."

I keep returning to God for answers and never heard Him say, "You keep coming back!"

God plants us all as seeds in His garden. As we bloom he, too, takes time to welcome us. Working with Him my garden is a "showcase."

Without Him just weeds.

This confirmed that, when I cannot find the answers to my current struggles in worldly places I can always turn to Him.

Yes, I "keep coming back," too.

"I wish you enough!"
~ Bob Perks ~

Good news - Bob Perks' first book, "I Wish You Enough," Embracing Life's Most Valuable Moments... is now available for ordering. Here's the "Link" to get your copy of Bob's book: I Wish You Enough from
[ by: Bob Perks Copyright © 2011 ( -- {used with permission} ]

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